pátek, 9 prosinec, 2011

15:00 | Macro Research Seminar

Prof. Hans Dewachter: “Information in the Yield Curve: A Macro-Finance Approach”

Prof. Hans Dewachter

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Authors: Hans Dewachter, Leonardo Iania, and Marco Lyrio


This paper uses an affine term structure model that incorporates macroeconomic and financial factors to study the term premium in the U.S. bond market. The results corroborate the known rejection of the expectation hypothesis and indicate that one factor, closely related to the Cochrane and Piazzesi (2005) factor (the CP factor), is responsible for most of the variation in bond premia. Furthermore, the model-implied bond premia are able to explain around 32% and 40% of the variability of one- and two-year excess returns and their out- of-sample performance is comparable to the one obtained with the CP factor. The model is also used to decompose yield spreads into an expectations and a term premium component in order to forecast GDP growth and inflation. Although this decomposition does not seem important to forecast GDP growth it is crucial to forecast inflation for most forecasting horizons. Also, the inclusion of control variables such as the short-term interest rate and lagged variables does not drive out the predictive power of the yield spread decomposition.

Full Text: “Information in the Yield Curve: A Macro-Finance Approach”