pondělí, 20 květen, 2013

16:30 | Macro Research Seminar

Prof. Christian Hellwig: “Optimal Regulation in the Presence of Reputation Concerns”

Prof. Christian Hellwig

Toulouse School of Economics, France

Authors: Andrew Atkeson, Christian Hellwig, and Guillermo Ordoñez

Abstract: We study a market with free entry and exit of firms who can produce high-quality output by making a costly but efficient initial unobservable investment. If no learning about this investment occurs, an extreme “lemons problem” develops, no firm invests, and the market shuts down. Learning introduces reputation incentives such that a fraction of entrants do invest. If the market operates with spot prices, simple regulation can enhance the role of reputation to induce investment, thus mitigating the “lemons problem” and improving welfare.

Full Text:  “Optimal Regulation in the Presence of Reputation Concerns”