čtvrtek, 1 říjen, 2015

14:30 | Micro Theory Research Seminar

Prof. Stanislav Anatolyev (NES) “Many Instruments and/or Regressors”

Prof. Stanislav Anatolyev

New Economic School, Moscow, Russian Federation

Author: Stanislav Anatolyev

Abstract: This is a survey of econometric literatures on many instruments and many regressors. We review (alternative) asymptotic tools that are suitable for accounting for numerosity of instruments in linear instrumental variables regressions or numerosity of regressors in linear regression models. We show the results of application of these asymptotic tools, starting from a simplest setup and then proceeding to more complex models featuring, in particular, error non-normality, heteroskedasticity, weak instruments and so on. We also touch upon some other extensions and some adjacent themes.




16:30 | Public Lecture

Fiscal Policy in Practice. The Case of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council and Implications for the Czech Republic

CERGE-EI invites you to a public lecture titled "Fiscal Policy in Practice. The Case of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council and Implications for the Czech Republic" by John Hassler.

The lecture is aimed at professionals working in fiscal policy departments, academics, NGO representatives and others with an interest in economics and the fiscal mechanisms of public finance. Prof. Hassler will present key aspects of the work of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council - a government agency that provides independent evaluation of the Swedish Government's fiscal policy. The Czech government is currently considering the creation of a similar advisory institution. What lessons should politicians take from the Swedish experience?     

John Hassler is a Professor of Economics at the Institute for International Economic Studies, Stockholm University and Chairman of the Swedish Fiscal Policy Council.

The lecture will be held on Thursday, 1 October, 2015 from 4:30 pm at CERGE-EI, Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1.

Please fill in a short form to register.