středa, 17 únor, 2016

18:00 | Economics Discovery Hub

Introduction to Data Analysis using R

Introduction to Data Analysis using R Programming is a 4-week course run by Kuan-Heng Lin from CERGE-EI. The course will provide an introduction to fundamental concepts of regression analysis with cross-sectional data. Rather than derivation, students will focus on econometric concepts by using real-world examples and graphs. Each session will include lessons in using R programming language, equipping students with practical tools required in applied economic research. 

Starting date: 17 February, 2016

Finishing date: 9 March, 2016

Schedule: Wednesdays, 18:00 – 19:30 at CERGE-EI (Politických vězňů 7, Prague 1)

Find out more information and apply now!