pondělí, 14 březen, 2016

09:00 | Special Event

Conference "The Economics of Livable Cities"

Read a summary of the event on the CERGE-EI blog.

Watch video coverage of the whole event: Part 1Part 2


On Monday, 14 March, 2016, CERGE-EI organizes a conference focusing on urban economics in Central European region titled “Economics of Livable Cities”.

Conference speakers:

Program of the conference will be available soon at the conference homepage.

Fill out a short form to register.

Please note, that seats are limited. Therefore we recommend to register early and no later than 10 March, 2016. 

Event is organized by CERGE-EI and Gabriel Ahlfeldt (LSE), in co-operation with the Centre for Central European Architecture (CCEA).

Preliminary Program

9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee

9.30-9.35 Conference welcome

9.35-9.45 Opening Remarks by Gabriel Ahlfeldt (London School of Economics): Urban Economics and current topics and challenges

9.45-12.30 Morning session and Discussion

Giulia Faggio (London School of Economics): Self-employment and Entrepreneurship in Urban and Rural Labour Markets

Jens Südekum (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf): Adjusting to Globalization - Evidence from Worker-Establishment Matches in Germany

Stephan Heblich (University of Bristol): East Side Story: Historic Pollution and Neighborhood Segregation

12.30-13.45 Lunch

13.45-17.00 Afternoon Session and Discussion

Laurent Gobillon (Paris School of Economics): The Production Function for Housing: Evidence from France

Giacomo Ponzetto (Pompeu Fabra University Barcelona): Urban Networks: Connecting Markets, People and Ideas

15.45-17.00 Panel discussion

All presenters: Current Urban Economics Research: Topics and Challenges


16:30 | Applied Micro Research Seminar

Prof. Maia Güell (U. of Edinburgh) “Unemployment Duration Variance Decomposition à la ABS: Evidence from Spain”

Prof. Maia Güell

The University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Authors: Maia Güell and Cristina Lafuente

Abstract: In a recent paper, Alvarez, Borovičková and Shimer (ABS) have proposed a new method for estimating the different components of the duration of unemployment using administrative data and have applied it to Austria.  We apply their method to Spain using Social Security data. Administrative data have many advantages compared to Labor Force Survey data, but we note that there are some incompleteness that needs to be enhanced in order to use the data for unemployment analysis (e.g., unemployed workers that run out of unemployment insurance have no labor market status in the data).  The degree and nature of such incompleteness is country-specific and are particularly important in Spain. We deal with these data issues in a systematic way by using information from the Spanish LFS data as well as institutional information. We hope that our approach will provide a useful way to apply the ABS method in other countries. Our findings are: (i) the unemployment decomposition is quite similar in Austria and Spain, specially when minimizing the effect of fixed-term contracts in Spain. (ii) the constant component is the most important one; while (total)  heterogeneity and duration dependence are roughly comparable. (iii) also, we do not find big differences in contribution of the different components along the business cycle.