středa, 23 listopad, 2016

18:00 | Economics Discovery Hub

Aleš Nechuta “Writing Policy Papers under Pressure”

Want to help make big decisions and transform the world around you? Whether it’s in the public or private sphere, researching and reporting are the essential building blocks to making significant decisions. CERGE-EI is offering a chance for students from all social sciences to equip themselves with the practical tools to assess real-world problems.

In attending this practical workshop, you will gain hands-on experience in preparing policy papers. By collaborating in small groups you will be asked to work on a given a topic. Together with your team, you will have to find relevant data with which you will write a policy paper answering the given problem. At the end of the workshop your team should have a paper ready for presentation. Along with other students you’ll be working on real-world issues with real data in real time!

About the facilitator: Aleš Nechuta
Aleš is an MA in Applied Economics graduate from 2014 and currently works in the Office of the Czech Government (Úřad vlády České republiky). As an Economic Analyst from the Section for European Affairs, Aleš will share insider expertise in creating policy reports and dealing with stressful conditions.