středa, 22 březen, 2017

16:30 | Special Event

Project Snapshot

Time: 16:30
Date: Wednesday, 22 March, 2017
Place: CERGE-EI, Room 8

Aren’t you curious about what’s going on at CERGE-EI? Join us for our annual Project Snapshot - an evening of short internal presentations by CERGE-EI faculty and PhD students about their research and activities.

Present in 8 minutes.
Learn what’s happening at CERGE-EI.
Connect with your colleagues from various fields.

All students and faculty are warmly encouraged to present, especially senior students.
No lengthy preparation necessary.
Presentations can be about any topic (dissertation research, grants, articles, conference papers, mobility stays, community activities, etc.).

Please register by emailing Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

17:00 | Special Event

Webinar: Studying MA in Applied Economics at CERGE-EI

Dates: Wednesday, 22 March 2017 
Times: 17:00 - 18:00 

Data-driven Changemakers can crunch numbers and deliver impact. Are you curious to discover what it would be like to become a Data-driven Changemaker at CERGE-EI? Join our free webinar and get all your questions answered, including details about the curriculum of the MA in Applied Economics program and the academic lifestyle in Prague.

Data-driven Changemakers gain the practical tools in economics to create effective social impact. If you’re eager to solve social issues, but lack the means and skills, study the MA in Applied Economics and be the Changemaker you want to see in the world.


1)    Presentation

MA in Applied Economics Program Director, Eva Hromádková, Head of Study Affairs Office, Eliška Prušova and current MA in Applied Economics student will tell you more about the program and the admissions procedure.

2)    Q&A session

A chance to receive immediate answers to your questions posted via chat.

Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about our MA in Applied Economics program and admissions. Places are limited, remember to register to reserve your place!