čtvrtek, 23 březen, 2017

16:30 | Macro Research Seminar

Georg Dürnecker, Ph.D. (U. of Mannheim) “Unbalanced Growth Slowdown”

Georg Dürnecker, Ph.D.

University of Mannheim, Germany

Authors: Georg Duernecker, Berthold Herrendorf, and Ákos Valentinyi

Abstract: Unbalanced growth slowdown is the reduction in aggregate productivity growth that results from the reallocation of economic activity to industries with low productivity growth. We show that unbalanced growth slowdown has considerably reduced past U.S. productivity growth and we assess by how much it will reduce future U.S. productivity growth. To achieve this, we build a novel model that generates the unbalanced growth slowdown of the postwar period. The model makes the surprising prediction that future reductions in aggregate productivity growth are limited. The reason for this is that the stagnant industries do not take over the model economy.

Keywords: Productivity Slowdown; Structural Transformation; Unbalanced Growth.

JEL classification: O41; O47; O51.

Full Text:  “Unbalanced Growth Slowdown”

17:00 | Economics Discovery Hub

Introducing IBM Data Science Experience Platform

Time: 17:00 – 18:00
Date: Thursday, 23 March 2017

Workshop information:

IBM Data Science Experience is an environment that brings together everything that a Data Scientist needs. It includes the most popular open source tools, such as R and Python, and IBM unique value add functionalities with community and social features. The whole platform is for free for academic purposes.

Goal of the workshop:

After this workshop, students should understand the advantages of using analytical platform with community and social features. Students can use Data Science Experience when collaboratively working on analytics tasks.

Workshop outline:

1.       How to get and use IBM Data Science Experience

2.       Introduction to Jupyter notebooks

3.       Selected machine learning use cases

About the facilitator:

Michal Polena works as Presale in Analytics at IBM. Michal completed his Master’s degree in Econometrics and Quantitative Economics at Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany and at the Institute of Economic Studies at Charles University in Prague. 

Places for this workshop are limited, please register by completing our registration form now.