pondělí, 10 duben, 2017

15:00 | Applied Micro Research Seminar

Maxime Liégey (Job Talk) “Search frictions, the use of knowledge, and the dispersion in firm dynamics”

Maxime Liégey

Toulouse School of Economics, France

Author: Maxime Liégey

Abstract: Dispersion in firm dynamics is large. I show that firm-level correlations between size, wage, output and productivity, span the whole support [-1,1], a fact that is robust to sample selection. Optimal inaction on the extensive margin can account for some dispersion, yet this mechanism alone fails to match the entire support. I propose a model where managers team up with workers to produce using knowledge. Replacing workers takes time, which generates inaction on the extensive margin, while managers can respond to negative shocks by using their own knowledge, thus adjusting along the intensive margin. I show that this model creates non-linearities in the correlations between firm-level variables, and can account for over 85% of the dispersion found in the data. In addition, it provides new insights into the issue of sorting among heterogeneous agents.

Full Text:  “Search frictions, the use of knowledge, and the dispersion in firm dynamics”

16:00 | Special Event

Webinar: Studying PhD in Economics at CERGE-EI

Are you curious to discover what it would be like to study the PhD in Economics at CERGE-EI? Do you have any questions or queries regarding the admissions process? Would you like to have a chance to talk to a current PhD student? Join our free webinar on Monday, 10 April, 2017 at 16:00 to get all of your questions answered!


1) Presentation

The Head of Study Affairs Office and a current PhD student will tell you more about the PhD program structure, the admissions process and give you a students point of view.

2) Q&A session

This is your chance to receive immediate answers to your queries and questions posted via chat.

Do not miss this opportunity to learn more about our PhD program and admissions process. Places are limited, remember to register to reserve your place! 

Registration is closed.