neděle, 30 duben, 2017

23:59 | Special Event

Application Deadline for PhD in Economics

The CERGE-EI PhD in Economics is a Western-style program designed for outstanding students who desire a rigorous graduate education in Economics at a prestigious international economics institution with the goal of pursuing an academic career or entering a high-level position in an international organization, central bank, government ministry or in the private sector.

The program consists of two years of MA-level coursework, followed by approximately two to four years of supervised PhD dissertation research. The program leads to an MA degree in Economics awarded under an absolute charter granted by the State of New York, USA, and to a PhD degree in Economics which has an absolute charter granted by the State of New York, USA, and is fully accredited in the Czech Republic under the Charles University in Prague.

The faculty at CERGE-EI is purely international and provides instruction at the leading edge of economics science. All professors, both permanent and visiting, are outstanding researchers who publish widely across a broad range of fields in theoretical and applied economics.

The majority of the CERGE-EI’s PhD in Economics students are fully supported through tuition waivers and stipends and research and teaching opportunities.

Apply for the PhD in Economics program until 30 April.