pondělí, 28 květen, 2018

10:45 | Micro Theory Research Seminar

Jingjing Zhang, Ph.D. (University of Technology, Sydney) “The Role of Communication in Managing Multi-level Conflicts”

Jingjing Zhang, Ph.D.

University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

Authors: Neil J. Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, R. Andrew Muller, Stephan Schott, and Jingjing Zhang

Abstract: In many social contexts where individual interests conflict with what is best for the group, communication could play an important role to coordinate actions and resolve conflicts. Little is known, however, about what types of communication  protocols are optimal and how communication interacts with other institutional features designed to manage multi-level conflicts.

In this paper we study the impact of cheap talk communication on the effectiveness of the output-sharing mechanism where multi-level conflict arises as individuals are asked to share their output equally in groups of optimal size in order to overcome the “tragedy of the commons” problem. We introduce communication groups that may or may not be linked to the output sharing groups. Communication reduces shirking, increases aggregate effort and reduces aggregate rents, but only when communication groups and output-sharing groups are linked. The effect is stronger for fixed groups (partners treatment) than for randomly reassigned groups (strangers treatment). Performance is not distinguishable from the no-communication treatments when communication is permitted but subjects share output within groups different from the groups within which they communicate. Communication also tends to enhance the negative effect of the partnered group assignment on the equality of individual payoffs. We use detailed content analysis to evaluate the impact of communication messages on behavior across treatments.


14:00 | Micro Theory Research Seminar

Prof. Arthur Robson (SFU, Canada) “Evolved Attitudes to Idiosyncratic and Aggregate Risk in Age-Structured Populations”

Prof. Arthur Robson

Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada

Authors: Arthur Robson and Larry Samuelson

Abstract: We examine the evolutionary basis of risk attitudes in age-structured populations. The effect of idiosyncratic risk concerning fertility or mortality rates is captured by the corresponding mean fertility or mortality rate. The effect of aggregate risk, relative to the mean, varies with the type of risk and age. We establish conditions under which aggregate risk in fertility rates at young ages increases the population growth rate (compared to the corresponding mean fertility), but such risk in fertility rates at old ages reduces the growth rate. On the other hand, aggregate risk in mortality at young as well as old ages leads to increased growth rates.

Full Text:  “Evolved Attitudes to Idiosyncratic and Aggregate Risk in Age-Structured Populations”