pátek, 31 květen, 2019

11:00 | Special Event

New Economic Talent 2019 - Final Presentations

CERGE-EI cordially invites you to the second and final round of the New Economic Talent competition. Come and listen to this year's finalists presenting their papers and getting feedback from leading economic scholars.

These students will present their papers at CERGE-EI (listed in alphabetical order):

More information on NET 2019.

11:00 | Special Event

NET 5 Years Gathering

A networking event organized to mark the 5th season of the New Economic Talent competition. 

13:00 | Special Event

MA and PhD Graduation Ceremony

We are pleased to invite you to the CERGE-EI Graduation Ceremony, which will take place on Friday 31 May, 2019, at the Schebek Palace, room no. 7.

Join us as we honor the accomplishments of our recent PhD and MA graduates and formally present them with their diplomas.

You are also welcomed at the reception following the ceremony.