úterý, 5 listopad, 2019

17:00 | Public Lecture

Globalization and Voting Behaviour in Western Europe


Dominik Furgler | Ambassador, Embassy of Switzerland in the Czech Republic

Jan Švejnar | Director, IDEA at CERGE-EI


Josef Zweimüller | Professor of Economics, University of Zürich

Voting behavior in Western Europe has changed dramatically since the early 1990s. Right wing populism is on the rise and traditional social democracy may be on the verge of collapse. Globalization, bringing more immigration and import competition from low-wage countries is a major driver of voting outcomes. The weakening of social democracy and the rise of right-wing populism are closely associated with increased migration and de-industrialization across countries and regions within countries.

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The event will be in English. It will be recorded and made available as a video on the IDEA website. Light refreshments will be served following the event to enable informal post-event dicussion of participants.


19:00 | Economics Discovery Hub

Conflict Management and Effective Negotiation

Tuesdays 18:o0 - 19:30 
Starting date: 5 November 2019
Finishing date: 26 November 2019
Duration: 4 lessons
Course instructor: Paul Whitaker

Registration for this course is closed.

Please read about our selection process. Follow EDH on Facebook for the latest news and tips.

This short course provides participants with an overview of how to deal with conflict situations and integrate this into negotiation situations to improve the chances of a successful outcome. The course covers:

  1. an analysis of the different stages in conflict and what options are available to de-escalate in each stage;
  2. conflict management/negotiation styles, including when and how to implement which style;
  3. how to prepare effectively for a negotiation;
  4. activities/role-plays to practice all of the above. 

Participants who attend at least 75% of the sessions can claim a Certificate of Attendance issued by CERGE-EI.

About the facilitator:

Paul Whitaker
Paul is a CERGE-EI faculty member, teaching communication courses. Prior to joining CERGE-EI Paul spent 8 years designing and delivering soft skills training courses to multinational companies across Europe and the Middle East. In his free time, Paul likes to do various sports activities and loves traveling.

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