čtvrtek, 4 duben, 2024

13:00 | Special Event

Coffee with Alumni - Radek Laštovička

We are pleased to invite CERGE-EI students, faculty, and alumni to the #AlumniLive coffee break with our alumnus Radek Laštovička, Senior Manager in Financial Services Consulting, EY Czech Republic. Radek specialises in credit risk management, IFRS 9 methodology and ESG Risks.

The coffee break will take place in the Faculty lounge on the 3rd floor. Grab your mugs and enjoy coffee, sweets, and networking!

#AlumniLive Coffee with Alumni is an informal gathering that serves as a platform for students to network with alumni.

Coffee with alumni Radek Lastovicka

14:00 | Room 6 | Macro Research Seminar

Paul Klein (Stockholm University) "Innovation-driven growth in a multi-country world"

Prof. Paul Klein

Stockholm University, Sweden

Authors: Paul Klein, Till Gross

Abstract: We develop a multi-country model of endogenous growth through innovation. The key feature of the model is that some ideas are globally applicable, while others are of local use only. Each country consists of a number of locations. There are innovation spillovers across locations and therefore across country borders. We argue that this model is both inherently plausible and consistent with an important set of growth facts. For instance, by computing a transition, we show that the model is capable of replicating a protracted decline in measured research productivity in the rich part of the world.

JEL Classification: E20, F43, O30, O40
Keywords: Innovation, endogenous growth, technological change, open economy, international spillovers.

Full Text: Innovation-driven growth in a multi-country world

15:00 | Special Event

Distinguished Speaker Series webinar with Jiří Pecka

We would like to invite you to the upcoming CERGE-EI Foundation's Distinguished Speaker Series webinar with Jiří Pecka, CFO of Elevion Group. 

Topic:  Decarbonization in Practice: CFO Perspective

Date: Thursday, April 4, 2024
Time: 2pm UCT London  /  3pm CET Prague  /  5pm GET Tbilisi
Moderators: Silvester van Koten and Julia Bryan

To register for the event, click on this registration link.

Jiří serves as the Chief Financial Officer of Elevion Group, a subsidiary of CEZ Group, which is one of the largest energy companies in Europe. Elevion is a leading European provider of end-to-end decarbonization and higher energy efficiency solutions, with over 60 consolidated companies in more than 12 countries. Jiří will discuss with us the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing decarbonization solutions within the context of several countries. 
