středa, 9 listopad, 2016 | 18:00 | Economics Discovery Hub

Vahan Sargsyan “Data Management and Analytical Skills Using Stata”

Improve your data management and analytical skills and learn to use Stata software. 

Wednesdays, 18:00-20:00
Starting date: 9 November, 2016
Finishing date: 30 November, 2016

About the facilitator: Vahan Sargsyan
Junior Researcher and PhD in Economics student at CERGE-EI.

Besides knowing multiple computer software languages, Vahan is bilingual currently fluent in four different languages, and plans to learn at least another four."

Content of the course:

Part I: Fundamentals of Stata

1. Introduction to Stata

  • A quick tour of Stata
  • The command grammar
  • Getting help: Stata resources
  • Using Stata effectively
  • Functions and expressions

2. Data Management

  • Reading and saving data 
  • Data documentation 
  • Basic data management 
  • Combining data sets 
  • Missing data 
  • Summary statistics 
  • Stata graphics 

Part II: Regression Analysis, Simulations and Programming

3. Regressions and Diagnostics

  • Regression with Stata 
  • Regression diagnostics 
  • Post-estimation 
  • Panel data analysis 
  • Introduction to linear panel regression 
  • Data considerations 
  • Panel data estimation 
  • Comparison of estimators 

Participants who attend at least 75% of the sessions will obtain a Certificate of Attendance issued by CERGE-EI.