pondělí, 13 únor, 2017 | 19:45 | Economics Discovery Hub

Corporate Finance and Valuation Master Class

Prague Wall Street Club, a student organization run by CERGE-EI students, alumni, and other enthusiasts and open to anyone who is interested in finance, brings you PWSClub MasterClass!

PWSClub MasterClass consists of two strands which run over an academic semester.


The first strand focuses on providing you with cutting edge knowledge of corporate finance and valuation. We work with NYU Stern professor Aswath Damodaran, who also trains first year analysts for several investment banks in New York. Our PWSClub MasterClass is an intensive blended course based on professor Damodaran’s MBA classes in corporate finance and valuation.


The second strand includes our boot camps, when we leave behind the hustle and bustle of Prague. In addition to some teambuilding time, we will also teach you how to use excel efficiently, how to prepare a professional power point presentation, how to build a proper financial model and more.


  • is FREE
  • starts 13th February 
  • is held weekly
  • lasts for 13 weeks
  • ends with a recognized certificate signed by prof. Damodaran

Places are limited, remember to register at PWSClub page!