čtvrtek, 9 březen, 2017 | 17:00 | Economics Discovery Hub

What the Retailers Know from the Customers Data

Time: 17:00 – 18:00
Date: Thursday, 9 March 2017

Petr Křiklan, a Retail Analytics professional, will introduce Nielsen as a leading company at the consumer goods market measurement and shopper behavior analytics. He will show customer data insights and advanced analytics that help retailers and manufacturers to drive business success.

The event will most benefit students interested in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods market dynamics, advanced analytics and data modeling, or those that are interested in what the retailers can actually read about their customers based on data points they generate during their purchasing process.

About the facilitator:

Petr Křiklan is a Retail Analytics Leader for Central/East Europe at Nielsen with over 20 years of experience with FMCG market at various analytical and leadership positions across Nielsen and Globus.

Places are limited so please register to be considered for this course. We usually close the registration one week prior to the start of the activity and inform participants if they have been accepted.

Registration for this course is closed.