úterý, 24 červenec, 2018 | 19:00 | Economics Discovery Hub

Optimization of Cryptocurrency Portfolio Using Python

Date: Tuesday, 24 July 2018
Time: 19:00
Course instructor: Julian Velev

Bitcoin is now mainstream. While the debate on whether it’s a speculative bubble or the greatest thing since the internet continues, one thing that is irrefutable is that it has attracted a significant amount of investor interest to cryptocurrency and digital assets. Those serious about investing in digital assets know that there are many considerations beyond Bitcoin. With the use of Python and some data analysis, investors can arm themselves with the basic steps on how to create a portfolio optimized to their individual risk profile.

For those interested in cryptocurrencies, Economics Discovery Hub and Prague Wall Street Club organized the course Optimization of cryptocurrency portfolio using Python with Julian Velev.

About the instructor:

Julian Velev is a professor of physics at the University of Puerto Rico (UPR). He earned his MS degree in physics and MS in computer science from the University of Sofia (Bulgaria), a PhD in Physics from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana (USA) and a MA degree in economics from the University of Puerto Rico (USA). His scientific interests are applying advanced computing techniques to solve problems in a variety of fields including condensed matter physics, bioinformatics and finance. He teaches a course on scientific computing at UPR and he is a certified Amazon Cloud architect.

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