pondělí, 25 kvě, 2015 | 16:30 | Applied Micro Research Seminar

Mario Pagliero, Ph.D. (U. of Turin) “The Demand for Adoption”

Mario Pagliero, Ph.D.

University of Turin, Italy

Authors: Mario Pagliero and Aleksey Tetenov

Abstract: We estimate the effect of various characteristics of Italian couples on their demand for adopted and biological children. We use a unique choice-based sample which includes all Italian couples that requested court authorization to adopt unrelated children in 2003. Identifi…cation comes from exogeneity of couples’ fecundity status: we assume that infecund couples have the same distribution of preferences, but face a smaller choice set than fecund couples. We estimate the parameters using conditional maximum likelihood. To improve the precision of our estimates, we combine the data with a general survey of families which on its own would not provide sufficient information on adoption choice.