pondělí, 7 říjen, 2019 | 16:00 | Applied Micro Research Seminar

SHARE-CZ+ seminar: Dmitry Arkhangelsky, Ph.D. (CEMFI, Madrid, Spain) “Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models”

Dmitry Arkhangelsky, Ph.D.

CEMFI (Centro de estudios monetarios y financieros), Madrid, Spain

Authors: Dmitry Arkhangelsky and Guido W. Imbens

Abstract: We study identification and estimation of causal effects of a binary treatment in settings with panel data. We highlight that there are two paths to identification in the presence of unobserved confounders. First, the conventional path based on making assumptions on the relation between the potential outcomes and the unobserved confounders. Second, a design-based path where assumptions are made about the relation between the treatment assignment and the confounders. We introduce different sets of assumptions that follow the two paths, and develop double robust approaches to identification where we exploit both approaches, similar in spirit to the double robust approaches to estimation in the program evaluation literature.

The seminar is co-financed by the European Union.

Full Text:  “Double-Robust Identification for Causal Panel Data Models”