St 06.11.2024 | 13:00 | Místnost 402 | Brown Bag Seminar CZ | ONLINE

Nora Jusufi : "An Investigation of Gender Gaps in the Labour Market in Kosovo."

Presenter: Nora Jusufi (Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.)

This seminar will focus on a proposal for a PhD Thesis on investigating labor market outcomes for men and women in Kosovo, focusing on the gender pay gap and the impact of parenthood. Using 2018-2022 Survey of Income and Living Conditions (SILC) data, this research marks the first use of this dataset for such an analysis in Kosovo. The seminar will cover the motivation, literature review and methodologies to be used, with the potential to present some preliminary data. Ultimately, this research aims to enhance our understanding of gender disparities and guide evidence-based policy interventions to promote gender equality in Kosovo's labor market.

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