St 02.11.2016 | 18:00 | Economics Discovery Hub CZ

Pavel Vaněček “A Gentle Excursion into Data Visualization”

Data visualization is becoming an increasingly important discipline, and not only for data reporting; a number of different data connections and their business contexts need to be efficiently presented in clear conclusions and stories. History is full inspiration, the present time offers a lot of tools and the future is full of expectations. Come to learn what inspires people working with data at Česká spořitelna and what errors they still make. Get inspiration for your own data visualization work!

About the facilitator: Pavel Vaněček
Pavel graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics at Charles University and joined Česká spořitelna in 2014. His first position was in the marketing research department, but now he devotes his time to data mining. He likes to ride his electric bike to work

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