čtvrtek, 5 duben, 2018 | 14:00 | Macro Research Seminar

Omar Rachedi, Ph.D. (Banco de España) “The Young, the Old, and the Government: Demographics and Fiscal Multipliers”

Omar Rachedi, Ph.D.

Banco de España, Madrid, Spain

Authors: Henrique S. Basso and Omar Rachedi

Abstract: We document that fiscal multipliers depend on the age structure of the population. Using the variation in military spending and birth rates across U.S. states, we show that local fiscal multipliers increase with the share of young people in total population. We rationalize this fact with a parsimonious life-cycle open-economy New Keynesian model with credit market imperfections and age-specific labor supply elasticities. The model explains 65% of the relationship between local fiscal multipliers and demographics. We use the model to study the implications of population aging, and find that nowadays U.S. national fiscal multipliers are 36% lower than in 1980.

Full Text:  “The Young, the Old, and the Government: Demographics and Fiscal Multipliers”