Čt 19.09.2024 | 14:00 | Místnost 402 | Macro Research Seminar CZ
Alexander Bick (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) "Hours Worked and Lifetime Earnings Inequality"
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
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Authors: Alexander Bick, Adam Blandin, Richard Rogerson
Abstract: We document large differences in lifetime hours of work using data from the NLSY79 and argue that these differences are an important source of inequality in lifetime earnings. To establish this we develop and calibrate a rich heterogeneous agent model of labor supply and human capital accumulation that allows for heterogeneity in preferences for work, initial human capital and learning ability, as well as idiosyncratic shocks to human capital throughout the life-cycle. Our calibrated model implies that almost 20 percent of the variance in lifetime earnings is accounted for by differences in lifetime hours of work, with 90 percent of this effect due to heterogeneity in preferences. Higher lifetime hours contribute to lifetime earnings via two channels: a direct channel (more hours spent in production at given productivity) and a human capital channel (more hours spent investing in human capital, which increases future productivity). Between a third and a half of the effect of lifetime hours on lifetime earnings is due to the human capital channel. Our model implies that policies that limit long hours have important effects on both the mean and variance of lifetime earnings.
JEL Classification: D15, E21, E24, J22, J31, J24
Keywords: Lifetime Earnings, Hours worked, Human Capital, Inequality