čtvrtek, 24 únor, 2011 | 16:30 | Micro Theory Research Seminar

“Crowdfunding: Tapping the Right Crowd”

Prof. Paul Belleflamme
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium

Authors: Paul Belleflamme, Thomas Lambert, and Armin Schwienbacher


Abstract: The paper first aims at identifying a number of stylized facts related to crowdfunding that are worth studying from an economic perspective. On the basis of a unique, hand-collected dataset, we isolate important features of crowdfunding. The second objective is to propose a model of crowdfunding that encompasses several of these key features. We derive a model that associates crowdfunding with pre-ordering and price discrimination, and we study the conditions under which crowdfunding is preferred to traditional forms of external funding. The model highlights the importance of community-based experience for crowdfunding to be a viable source. Also, it shows that crowdfunding is optimal only for lower levels of finance, since otherwise it leads to excessive price distortions between crowdfunders and other consumers.

Full Text: “Crowdfunding: Tapping the Right Crowd”