Pá 10.11.2023 | 14:00 | Room 6 | Micro Theory Research Seminar

Nenad Kos (Bocconi University) "Robust Product Design and Pricing"

Pá 10.11.2023

Nenad Kos (Bocconi University) "Robust Product Design and Pricing"

Prof. Nenad Kos

Bocconi University, Italy

Authors: Nenad Kos, Kyungmin Kim

Abstract: We study the problem of product design and pricing by a monopolist who has no information about the distribution of consumers’ horizontal tastes and maximizes her profit under the worst-case scenario. We show that her optimal strategy takes a strikingly simple form of dividing the taste space into a finite number of equal-length intervals and serving consumers on a randomly chosen interval. We obtain this result by studying the dual problem of finding a distribution of consumers’ tastes that minimizes the seller’s profit. Our analysis extends to the case where the seller can design several varieties of the product.

JEL Classification: D42, D80, L12
Keywords: Hotelling, product design, robust pricing, profit guarantee, circular city, product variety

Full Text: Robust Product Design and Pricing