pondělí, 23 leden, 2017 | 16:00 | Special Event

Webinar: Studying PhD in Economics at CERGE-EI

Are you curious what is it like to study PhD in Economics at CERGE-EI? Do you have any questions regarding the admissions process? Would you like to have a chance to talk to a current PhD student? Join our free webinar on 23 January, 2017 at 16:00 and get all your questions answered!


1) Presentation

PhD Admissions and Development Coordinator Johana Borovanska and PhD student Jekaterina Kuliomina will tell you more about the PhD program structure and the admission procedure and Jekaterina will also give you the student point of view.

2) Q&A session

A chance to receive immediately answers to your questions posted via chat.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about our PhD program and admissions. Places are limited, remember to register to reserve your place!