pondělí, 17 prosinec, 2018 | 15:00 | Special Event

PhD in Economics Webinar

Before the pre-holiday cheer reaches its peak, we have prepared another useful webinar for anyone interested in MA in Economic Research and PhD in Economics.

This time, we will be dealing will all things admissions:

· How can I apply when I 'only' have a BA degree?

· What supporting documents do I need with my application?

· What's up with the new English requirement?

· How to know which verification of diploma is the right one for me (and you)?

· How do I know if my application is going to be evaluated?

· When will I know the decision?

... and many more questions will be answered.

Join us for an informative session that will help you get started and orientate in the admissions process. As usual, there will be space for your questions.

Register here to reserve your place!