Čtvrtek, 6. února, 2025

00:00 | For Study Applicants CZ | ONLINE

Admissions open!

Since December 1st till March 31 you can apply to our programs:
Master in Economic Research and PhD in Economics

Entry requirements are:
- BA / MA degree or equivalent
- Proficiency in spoken and written English
- Solid background in mathematics
- Previous education in economics is recommended

Your online application must content following documents:
- Curriculum vitae
- Statement of motivation
- Copies of your diplomas and transcripts
- Proof of English proficiency level
- Contact details for two (or max. three) referees (optional for MA applicants)

For more information please see sections: How to apply to MER or How to apply to PhD
In case of any question, please do not hesitate to contact us at Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript. or Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.
or see the FAQ sections for Master´s or Phd program.

10:00 | Místnost 402 | Job Talk Seminar CZ

Minu Philip (New York University) "Disparate Treatment and Outcomes in Emergency Departments: Evidence from Florida"

Minu Philip, MSc.

New York University, United States

Authors: Minu Philip, Ozde Ozkaya

Abstract: Strokes are roughly twice more likely to be missed among Black patients compared to non-Black patients, with most of the disparity arising from physicians testing Black patients less often. We develop a method to quantify the role of disparate treatment by physicians in driving this difference in testing. Specifically, we leverage a unique feature of strokes: whether a patient actually had a stroke can be inferred retrospectively even if initially misdiagnosed. This allows us to benchmark testing decisions against racially objective predictions of stroke risk made by a machine learning model trained on the true underlying stroke states. We decompose disparate treatment into two forces: an unjustified skill gap, where physicians make noisier risk assessments for Black patients; and racial prejudice, where physicians are less likely to test Black patients conditional on their risk assessment. Disparate treatment accounts for about 65% of the racial disparity in testing. Removing racial prejudice would lower testing disparities by half.

Full Text: Disparate Treatment and Outcomes in Emergency Departments: Evidence from Florida

15:00 | For Study Applicants CZ | ONLINE

Webinar for PhD Applicants: Academics and Admissions

Are you (thinking of) applying to PhD in Economics at CERGE-EI?
Do you have any questions regarding the courses and the admissions process?
You are welcome to join our webinar. All your questions will be answered!

Please register here

Meeting ID: 972 4204 6604
Passcode: 544518