Events at CERGE-EI
Thursday, 6 March, 2014 | 14:00 | Special Event
Open Day
Open Day is a chance for masters and bachelor students to explore and learn more about CERGE-EI.
Please fill out a short registration form.
The Open Day program (room 8):
13:30 Registration begins
14:00 - 14:10 Welcome address and presentation of CERGE-EI by Michal Kejak, Director of CERGE-EI
14:10 - 14:45 Graduate programs at CERGE-EI, Q&A
PhD in Economics presented by Sergey Slobodyan, Associate Professor with Tenure
Masters in Applied Economics presented by Nikolas Mittag, Assistant Professor
14:45 - 15:00 Coffee Break
15:00 - 16:00 Discussion with CERGE-EI alumni, students and faculty
Michal Bauer, Assistant Professor
Fabio Michelucci, Assistant Professor
Yulia Sheveleva, MAE Admissions Manager
Lenka Pavlíková, PhD Admissions Manager
Pavla Nikolovová - PhD student
Jekaterina Kuliomina - PhD student
Jakub Grossmann - MAE student
Tosin Adebayo - MAE alumni
František Brázdík - PhD alumni (ČNB)
16:00 - 16:45 Tour of the library and building with student representative
17:30 Beer Party at Hodovna Žižkov
You are cordially invited to annual beer party of the CERGE-EI community (students, professors, alumni).