Tuesday, 21 March, 2017 | 17:00 | Economics Discovery Hub
Introduction to Python
Tuesdays 17:00 - 18:30
Starting date: 21 March 2017
Finishing date: 11 April 2017
Ever wanted to learn Python but didn’t find enough motivation from throw-away academic problems? In this course we will introduce you to Python and object oriented programming in general with a focus towards solving economics-flavored problems.
- Some experience with scripting languages would be helpful, but not essential.
- Basics of probability, linear algebra and calculus are recommended, to better profit from the applications we will discuss.
- Download and install the Anaconda Python distribution (version 3.5) from Continuum Analytics’ website.
- Overview of the language and syntax. Numpy, scipy, matplotlib essentials.
- Object-oriented programming. Decorators. Error handling.
- Finite Markov chains. Shortest paths and dynamic programming.
- More advanced economic applications: McCall job search model, Schelling’s segregation model.
Participants who attend at least 75% of the sessions will obtain a Certificate of Attendance issued by CERGE-EI.
About the facilitator:
Juan Pablo Maldonado López
Pablo earned his PhD in Applied Mathematics at Université Paris VI - Pierre at Marie Curie. He was an adjunct professor at Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo and Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. For the past two years he has worked as a Data Scientist in the Czech Republic for O2 Czech Republic and PricewaterhouseCoopers.
Registration for this course is closed.
We thank our partner EY for supporting Economics Discovery Hub.