Friday, 20 September, 2024 | 09:30 | Room 7 | Special Event

Workshop on Democracy and Media

The aim of the workshop is to bring together scholars studying the effect of media on democracy across disciplines and methodologies. The workshop is supported by the Czech Academy of Science Lumina quaeruntur grant Challenges to Democracy (no. LQ300852101).

Confirmed speakers include: Rachel Bernhard (University of Oxford), Giulia Caprini (University of Oxford), Teresa Esteban Casanelles (King's College London), Micael Castanheira (ULB), Sebastian Garcia (Stratosphere Lab, Czech Technical University in Prague), Ole Jann (CERGE-EI), Evgeniya Kudinova (University of Edinburgh), Clement Minaudier (City, University of London), Juha Tolvanen (Tor Vergata University of Rome), and Veronica Valeros (Stratosphere Lab, Czech Technical University in Prague).

Registration: Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Please register here.

PhD student support: We are able to provide attendance support to a limited number of PhD students. If interested, please send a CV and short description of your research to Jan Zápal.

Organizers: Helios Herrera (University of Warwick), Galina Zudenkova (TU Dortmund University), and Jan Zápal (CERGE-EI).

For more information contact Jan Zápal at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Workshop program is available here.

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