
CERGE-EI Fully Supports Charles University's Position on the Situation in Ukraine

24. února 2022

Today, February 24, the Rector of Charles University, Milena Králíčková, issued a statement on the current situation in Ukraine. In her statement, Professor Králíčková said: "As rector, together with the management of Charles University, I strongly condemn any form of aggression, not least the hostilities being conducted by Putin's Russia right now.

This is an extremely dangerous move that threatens the lives of people across Europe - including those of fellow colleagues and students. It is a step in the wrong direction, taking the world backwards! Such aggression shows how important it is to study, to think critically, to value education, to understand history and the complex world today. I call on academics, not only at our university, to strongly support a free and democratic society and to say a clear ‘No!’ to war.”

The Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Tomáš Karásek, has called on academic community members to join the protest against Putin's aggression: "I am shocked by the attack on Ukraine, which is a flagrant and unprovoked violation of the fundamental norms and principles of international community. I believe that the Czech Republic and other NATO and European Union member states will provide Ukraine with all available assistance and support its resistance to the aggressor. As a country that has been the victim of a foreign invasion twice during the 20th century, we should feel a special commitment in this regard. As Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University, I also express my support for Ukrainian students and academics. We will provide immediate organizational and financial support to those Ukrainian colleagues who are currently working at FSV UK and will need it. I call on all members of the academic community to join the protest against Putin's aggression and to support a free and independent Ukraine."

CERGE-EI leadership fully supports the University's position. "The goal of education is to contribute to healthy and productive society, to educate those who will build and create. We cannot but look in despair at the senseless destruction, violence, and aggression. The world belongs to the people who cooperate, not to those who fight," stated CERGE-EI's Director Sergey Slobodyan.
