
People of CERGE-EI: Meet Our Alumni

26. července 2022

Peter Tóth, our 2014 PhD in Economics graduate, works as a researcher at the National Bank of Slovakia and at the University of Economics in Bratislava. In the CERGE-EI Blog interview, we talked about his research projects and about his engagement as an Alumni local group leader for Slovakia, Hungary, and Austria.

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"During my prior studies, I came to realize that empirical analysis of data and application of quantitative methods in economics is really my cup of tea," says Peter. "What is most interesting about my work is that research topics are closely connected to economic policies. I also enjoy working with a variety of datasets and applying quantitative methods. Generally, what is appealing about research to me are the small everyday steps that take one to a final product, a research paper, after months or years of perseverance," he ads.

Read the full interview with Peter.

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