
Congratulations to Our 2022 MAE Graduates

22. července 2022

We congratulate our new graduates and wish them all the best in their future lives! The Graduation Ceremony of the MA in Applied Economics program took place on Thursday, 21 July 2022. Six students received their diplomas.

2022 Graduates

Filip Kroutil                              Czech Republic

Ivan Lopatynskyi                     Ukraine

Mrikë Mulliqi                          Kosovo

Andrea Palla                            Albania

Karolína Vellechová                Czech Republic

Mariia Vovchaniuk                  Russian Federation


Program Director Eva Hromádková gave a warm and witty commencement address highlighting the qualities of each student. CERGE-EI Director Sergey Slobodyan, and Ole Jann, faculty member and Assistant Professor at CERGE-EI, gave inspirational speeches during the ceremony. 
