
CERGE-EI Media Highlights for February

11. března 2022

CERGE-EI's experts comment in Czech media on rising gas and electricity prices, Czech National Bank’s decisions, and salaries. Our colleagues from IDEA think-tank focus on a debate regarding sick pay and the impact of the introduction of a waiting period.

Jan Švejnar gave several interviews in February. He discussed salaries in Czech with Deník N, increasing interest rates with Lidové Noviny, and relations between China and Europe with Reflex.

SvejnarMedia   SvejnarMedia2

Filip Pertold's interview for Právo and covered the number and quality of state officials. He talked about the state budget with and increasing electricity prices on TV Nova's Střepiny.

PertoldMedia  PertoldMedia2

Daniel Münich went over Czech’s education system on . In an interview for Týdeník školství He emphasized that it is necessary to convince society that education is crucial.

MunichMedia  MunichMedia2

Michal Šoltés gave an interview for Respekt on taxes and state budget deficit.

Soltes Media

Significant media attention spurred the new Think-Tank's IDEA study entitled: "Sick pay: what impact did the introduction of a waiting period have?"–covered by,,, Czech Radio, and casopisczechindustry among others.